Press Release

Press Release

Press Release

The People's Government of Datian County, Fujian Province and Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protecti

2018-04-13    Times of browsing:    Return list

On September 12, 2014, the Development and Reform Commission of Datian County of Fujian Province and Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. signed the Agreement on the Entrustment of the Comprehensive Utilization and Treatment of Industrial Solid Waste. The two parties reached a consensus on “manganese slag, aluminum-zinc tailings slag, and heavy metals in river channels” in Datian County, and adhered to the principle of “complementary advantages, equal cooperation, mutual benefit, and common development, and will use Hubei Shengrong in tailings comprehensive utilization technology in Datian County. The comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste has been applied and developed, and the technical achievements of the project have been transformed into powerful productivity, and they have been vigorously implemented in industrial production and development.The separation and treatment of heavy metal from tailings slag and environmental pollution have been combined to turn waste into Bao, get good economic benefits and promote social benefits.

The person in charge of the Development and Reform Commission of Datian County, Fujian Province, and the voice of environmental protection leaders and related personnel participated in the signing ceremony.

Prior to this, the Development and Reform Commission of Datian County, Fujian Province sent someone to the Hubei Shengrong Company to conduct technical and project inspections, and expressed high recognition for Shengrong's advanced technology in handling tailings slag.