Press Release

Press Release

Press Release

Sung Wing's “Magnetic Manganese Residue Permanent Magnet Separation and Utilization” project was sup

2018-04-13    Times of browsing:    Return list

On September 5, 2013, the permanent magnet sorting and utilization project of manganese carbonate slag undertaken by Hubei Shengrong Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. was supported by the Wuhan Science and Technology SME Technology Innovation Fund (2013).

The project uses ultra-high-gradient permanent magnet comprehensive sorting technology to perform manganese permanent magnet physical sorting to recover the manganese concentrates. At the same time, the selected secondary manganese tailings are used as raw materials to make a new building material - manganese residue. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks to achieve zero discharge of manganese carbonate slag.

The support of the Innovation Fund for the project not only accelerates the implementation of the project, but also actively promotes the application of project technology.